Free and Discounted Tools at Your Fingertips to Help Better Your Mental Health!

Natalie Marroquin
3 min readNov 4, 2020

Did you know that your brain is the most complex organ in your body?

According to, your brain has around 86 billion neurons that help translate everything that is happening in you, to you, and around you through your conscious and subconscious mind. Every thought, action, memory, emotion, feeling, and experience that you have, is all thanks to your brain’s processing center. That’s a lot of neurons constantly working to help you sense everything that’s around you all day, every day!

The CDC was quoted saying that, “since the start of COVID-19, 40.9% of adults are now struggling with either an anxiety disorder or a depressive disorder.” Looking back into the CDC’s second-quarterly assessment in 2019, they found out that the number of adults with anxiety disorders has now tripled, and the number of adults with a depressive mood disorder has quadrupled!

With the brain being the #1 most intricate organ, it’s absolutely essential to treat your mental health just as you would treat your physical health, especially with more stressful factors going on (like living through an active pandemic). Booking regular check-ups for your mind must be viewed as being just as normal and responsible as one would book for their annual physical.

Mental health has had a negative stigma attached to it for far too long, but together we have the ability to change that! Together, we can give individuals the confidence, and tools they need in order to get their mental health back on track and book their first appointment.

Since COVID has made landfall, it has made getting the help you need much more challenging, whether it be because of unstable finances, transportation, your current mental state(It can be the hardest to ask for help when you’re at a low point), or because of the counseling offices that may have closed around you. Getting free or discounted alternatives during this pandemic is crucial. Below, I’ve listed 6 apps that can give you access to discounted, and free tools for counseling and mental health right on your phone:

  1. 29K ($-Free) 29K is a non-profit organization that provides mental health resources and tools to anyone who needs them.
  2. Talkspace Therapy and Counseling ($65/week- can be covered by your insurance) Talkspace Therapy and Counseling provides discounted counseling services to those who need it. There is a 24/7 access option where you can reach out at any time, and flexible time slots.
  3. MY3 ($-Free) Allows you to create a free safety plan in case of possible suicide ideations. It will send an alert to your 3 chosen people, whether its 911, your therapist or a family member that allows you to get help from them ASAP. It also gives you access to free resources, and an option to contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at any time.
  4. What’s Up? ($-Free) An app that combines both CBT and ACT methods to help you best cope with depression, anxiety, stress, and more.
  5. MoodKit ($5.00) Incorporates tools based on CBT for users who struggle with depression.
  6. Mindshift($-Free) Uses a research and science-backed approach to help develop mindfulness and helps alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Remember, it's okay to not be okay. It’s okay to talk about it too. We will get through this together, as there is always hope for an even better tomorrow.

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Natalie Marroquin

Mental Health and Wellness Content Marketing Specialist